Tuesday, May 1, 2007

New Iraqi Blog from Baghdad

Most of the Baghdad bloggers, including me, have left the country perusing either shelter or Graduate and Post Graduate degrees in other countries. It has been very rare to read Baghdad stories from an Iraqi inside Baghdad. This phenomenon has almost vanished since last summer. Even Riverbend, who seldom reported news lately from Baghdad because of the situation, has decided to flee the civil war. However, I’d like to introduce you to a new Baghdadi blog called “Great Baghdad” by a Baghdadi journalist living and working restlessly in Baghdad.

Please take a few minutes and stop by his blog and read his new posts directly from Baghdad.

"Hi, since I'm a journalist and also a resident of war torn Iraq. and since I have been seeing lots of things which I feel allegiant to the city which I was born, raised and grown loving, that Is Baghdad. I decided to put down my thoughts and sightings of what is going on in Iraq in General and Baghdad in particular . hope you will be able to see Baghdad through the eyes of some one who consider him self to be one among millions of Baghdad's Lovers."
