Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Oh My Country...

It was 10 p.m. when I decided to have a break. I have been studying and writing for hours. I turned on the TV to watch the news, especially from Iraq. As I was flipping over the channels, I was suddenly stunned when violin music was played. The music was accompanied by footage from my beloved Baghdad: footage of a mother and her daughter scared when an explosion rocked their house, footage of a mother reading Quran, footage of a daughter pleading to her parents not to go out, footage of sons and daughters hiding under the stairs to be away from the shootings and explosions in their street, footage of Baghdad dressed in darkness, footage of families having dinner together and students studying in dark. Then comes the wonderful voice of Kadhum al-Sahir singing “Oh my country”…

I was still standing in front of the TV listening to the song and looking at the footage. Years of sorrow and sadness flashed back into my mind, years of fear, tears, and anxiety. I couldn’t feel but my tears showering my cheeks.

The footage took me back to Iraq where I felt I was among my family and friends who are still facing this sorrow every second in their lives. I couldn’t feel but saying, “Why? Why?”

To my Iraqi friends and readers, here is the link to the song and its transcript:

"Oh My Country" by Kadhum al-Sahir

Oh my country, may you have a happy morning.
Reunite everyone; heal your wounds.
I yearn to see you smile some day,
When will sadness set you free?

Sunnis, Shiites and Kurds,
Take them all under your wings.
You are their father; you are their mother,
Stay firm, no matter how your winds gust.

Jesus and Prophet Muhammad said,
Their unity is your weapon.
Love, peace, intellect and construction,
May God in the heavens bless your success, my country.

Oh my beloved Iraq; oh Iraq,
Oh my beloved, oh my beloved, oh my beloved Iraq.

Finally, I want all those who love Iraq to pray for my father’s friend and neighbor who was kidnapped few days ago. Please pray that he is released. I know it’s hard to believe he is still alive but let’s hope he is. May God Have mercy on all Iraqis…

Note: what I watched was a documentary called "My Country, My Country" presented on WHY Y channel.

Update: My father's friend's body was found tortured and shot dead in the head.