Monday, October 10, 2005
Alhoor Alain" [Companions with beautiful, big, and lustrous eyes]الحور العين
Don't be surprised. This is a description of the beautiful women waiting for residents of Heaven. On the first day of Ramadhan, mbc1, the Saudi TV channel broadcasted a TV show with this title.
Every episode is introduced by a sentence reads "To the souls of the victims of terrorism, this series is dedicated." Then a sad and slow music Plays in the background with two singers.
"Light a candle,don't use fire. Wipe a tear, don't victimize an innocent person," they sing
Mbc1 advertised the show before the holy month, which made people eager to watch.
"They killed my children, no God but Allah," wailed a woman near a place ablaze in explosion fire. Sarcastically, the director showed an episode of one of the so-called Mujahideen [holy warriors] saying, "This is a victory for the Mujahideen."
The story of the show is about a group of Arab families-from Lebanon, Syria, Jordan, Egypt, and Morocco- working in Saudi Arabia and all of them live in a housing complex in Riyadh. Part of the story talks about a Saudi young man who is working hard restlessly to find a job. This young man met with someone calling himself "a true believer". This wicked "believer" is trying to make the young man have a job. Huh, but what a job.
"The true believer" starts his wicked plans by talking about religion to the young man who attends the mosque to pray as other people, in that part of the world, do everyday in Ramadhan. He started by asking him where his brother is and what is he doing abroad. "He is among the infidels" he said of the young man's brother in the west. The "true believer" was trying to poison the young man's mind with things like these and trying to make him believe that when he becomes a Mujahid [a holy warrior], he will be among Alhoor Alain.
Eventually, the "true believer" makes the young man join a terrorist group, turning the housing compound into hell.
This is part of the story. The other part is that most of these families are torn apart. For example, the father of the Jordanian family uses his violence against his son who eventually escapes and probably joins the terrorist group.
This is the first kind of series TV shows to be broadcasted on an Arab channel. It shows the reality of how terrorism is destroying the lives of the innocent people.
Terrorism increased in the Arab countries to change the life of the people to worse. Terrorists are attacking resorts, hotels, governmental buildings and moved to killing the innocent people.
In Iraq, these terrorists, who unfortunately convinced themselves they will have Alhoor Alain in heaven, are turning Iraq into hell, a real hell. Explosions, killings, kidnappings, beheadings. They are the perpetrators.. The disaster is that they do that under the name of Islam. They even distorted the image of God.
Yesterday, I was discussing this with a friend of mine. "It could happen my mother and your mother," my friend, who blogs on 24 Steps to Liberty, said when the episode of the women wailing was on T.V. He was right.
Also, vice versa could happen. Last year a car bomb exploded in front of the school where my mother teaches. She was horrified. If she was near the main gate, she would have gone forever and that is what I don't want to imagine.
We'll meet with the updates on the show.